About Me

Hiring and Communicating with a Home Cleaning Service

Thanks for stopping by my website. My name is Annabelle Collins. My husband and I live in a large house with our two teenage children. We’re fortunate in that we’re able to have a cleaning service come and clean on a weekly basis. In the past, I found that it was difficult for me to exert myself when it came to hiring and communicating with our cleaning service. I’ve never been very authoritative, and that shone through in a not good way. I wanted things to be done in a certain way, but found it difficult to ask for what I wanted. I have come to realize that in order for the service to do the job I want to be done, I have to ask for it to happen. I doubt that I’m alone in the fact that this is difficult, and want to share my experience and growth.


Hiring and Communicating with a Home Cleaning Service

Help! My Dishes Are Still Dirty After I Run The Dishwasher

by Vicki Burns

Can you imagine how time-consuming and exhausting it must be to wash dishes by hand after every meal? Thanks to dishwashers, many folks will never know the struggle of scrubbing pots until they sparkle or finding stray spots for bowls to air dry after the drying rack is full. Dishwashers definitely help make life more convenient -- until they fail to operate properly. If your dishwasher fails to get your plates and silverware clean, you've come to the right place. Here are some handy tips to help you fix the problem.  

Scrape, Don't Wash

Do you rinse your dishes off before you place them in the dishwasher? Removing residue may seem like the logical thing to do, but it actually makes it harder for your appliance to get your dirty dishes clean. This is especially true if you use detergent in your dishwasher, as detergent is specifically designed to destroy food particles. Instead of your current dish-washing routine, try:

  • Gently scraping away large chunks of food with your fingers or a utensil
  • Skipping the detergent and running clean dishes in the "sanitize" cycle, if your appliance has one
  • Soaking excessively soiled pots and pans in warm water, rather than thoroughly scrubbing them clean, prior to placing them in the dishwasher

Clean Your Machine

Did you know that you're supposed to clean out your dishwasher at least once a month? Bacteria and fungus love to hang out in the warm, wet interior of your dirty dishwasher, and that's probably not something you want. Large chunks of leftover food may also float around before settling in your glasses and bowls, resulting in just-washed dishes that are anything but debris free. Luckily, cleaning out your dishwasher is easy. Here's how you do it:

  • Empty out the inside of your appliance, taking care to remove all of the silverware, plates, and glasses
  • Use a damp cloth to remove any visible residue, such as splattered sauce or mushy cereal pieces, from the interior
  • Fill a cup with white vinegar and place it on the top rack of the dishwasher
  • Set the dishwasher for once cycle, and make sure you select hot water
  • Wipe the interior out with a dry cloth if your appliance does not have a heated drying option

Be careful when you clean out your dishwasher, especially if you have recently used it. There may be sharp pieces inside from a chipped glass or plate, and the appliance will be hot if it just finished a rinse-and-wash cycle.

Be a Softie

Do you have hard water or soft water in your home? Hard water is bad news for your dishes because it can leave unwanted residue behind. In addition to leaving behind mineral deposits on your silverware and glasses, hard water can also harm you and your family. A connection has been found between hard water and several medical conditions, including kidney problems, diabetes and reproductive problems. 

You may not even know if you have hard water, but it's easy to check. You can purchase a special testing kit from a hardware store or have an appliance expert check, or you can try this approach:

  • Boil hot water in a heat-resistant glass
  • Add a tea bag and steep for several minutes
  • Remove the tea bag and check for signs of cloudiness or residue

If the tea is clear, you're in the clear. Easy enough to remember, right? If the tea looks murky, then it's time to soften your water supply. An appliance specialist can offer some tips or help you select the right filter for your water supply. 

If the troubleshooting ideas above don't solve your problem, there may be a bigger issue with your dishwasher. There might be something wrong with the drain pump motor or the water inlet valve, or perhaps the issue stems from a faulty wash-arm assembly in the machine. These parts can be difficult to repair without formalized training, so contact an appliance repair service to learn more about what's going on with your dishwasher. 
