About Me

Hiring and Communicating with a Home Cleaning Service

Thanks for stopping by my website. My name is Annabelle Collins. My husband and I live in a large house with our two teenage children. We’re fortunate in that we’re able to have a cleaning service come and clean on a weekly basis. In the past, I found that it was difficult for me to exert myself when it came to hiring and communicating with our cleaning service. I’ve never been very authoritative, and that shone through in a not good way. I wanted things to be done in a certain way, but found it difficult to ask for what I wanted. I have come to realize that in order for the service to do the job I want to be done, I have to ask for it to happen. I doubt that I’m alone in the fact that this is difficult, and want to share my experience and growth.


Hiring and Communicating with a Home Cleaning Service

    4 Ways To Modernize An Older Driveway Entry Gate

    Driveway entry gates are a simple and effective form of home security that have been used for numerous years. If your driveway gate has been around for a while, then it may be lacking in some of the features found in a lot of new gate installations. Instead of having a whole new gate installed, you can keep your same design and simply upgrade some of the features to give it a more modern touch.

    Understanding Hantavirus And How To Clean To Avoid The Disease

    Many people are squeamish about rodent infestations. Not only will mice destroy any paper or plastic products they can find by chewing on them, but they will search endlessly for food in the home. Mice will leave behind urine and fecal matter as well. In fact, you are likely to find hundreds of mouse droppings each and every day, since every mouse in your home will release between 50 and 75 quarter inch droppings each day.

    Tips For Creating A Modern Landscape Design

    If you have a contemporary home, you'd probably like your landscaping to be in a similar style. However, without going full industrial, it's hard to know what modern landscaping should look like. Just like with contemporary architecture, modern landscaping should showcase clean lines, often with a nod toward Asian gardens. Design your landscaping with sophisticated style to blend with your contemporary home. Select Geometric Plants Contemporary design is all about lines and shapes.

    Practicing Responsible Gun Safety: Investing In A Residential Gun Safe

    As a hunter, you understand the importance of making sure your rifles are kept in top condition.  Since you also happen to be a parent, ensuring that your guns are secure at all times also matters.  While there is the option of keeping the firearms in a cabinet or case, what about the idea of installing a gun safe in the home?  Here are some tips on selecting the right safe and why this type of security is so valuable to your home and family.

    4 Care Tips for Your New Oil Painting

    Have you recently acquired an oil painting, but can't afford to have it maintained by a professional? Are looking for a few tips on how to handle your new fancy piece of artwork? If so, read on for everything you need to know about where to put your oil painting and how to care for it. Placement Texture is an important aspect of oil paintings so most are framed, but not behind glass.

    The Rasberry Crazy Ant: An Invasive Species That Will Drive You Insane

    Have you happened to notice a problem with ants in your home? Not just any ant, mind you, but an ant that moves incredibly quickly and in droves and droves, such that eradicating them seems like an entirely uphill battle? Chances are, you are suffering the wrath of the Rasberry crazy ant, an ant that has made its current home on the Gulf Coast of the United States and is driving homeowners absolutely insane due to the ant's unpredictable movements and behavior.

    4 Things You Should Know About Garage Door Problems

    If your garage door hangs unevenly, refuses to open or close normally, or makes unfamiliar noises during operation, then you've obviously got a problem on your hands. But before leaping to conclusions about the nature of the problem (or leaping to the rescue yourself), it helps to know what you're up against, and what potential dangers the problem may pose, and how to avoid similar problems going forward. Here are four useful tips to keep in mind as you ponder your garage door problem.

    Help! My Dishes Are Still Dirty After I Run The Dishwasher

    Can you imagine how time-consuming and exhausting it must be to wash dishes by hand after every meal? Thanks to dishwashers, many folks will never know the struggle of scrubbing pots until they sparkle or finding stray spots for bowls to air dry after the drying rack is full. Dishwashers definitely help make life more convenient -- until they fail to operate properly. If your dishwasher fails to get your plates and silverware clean, you've come to the right place.